Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wake Up Call!

6 AM in the morning, Dad will enter the room spraying water over me, in an attempt to wake me up, the moment I will open my eyes , I “see” my dad, but “hear” my mom screaming, “you will reach School late, wake up”!! Dragging myself out of bed, under the shower and into my uniform, I take my seat on the dining table, cribbing about the breakfast served and complaining of the one in the Tiffin. My mom goes on and on about the boring “Life lectures” while Dad continues reading news paper across the table, and occasionally throwing deadly stares at my side, he speaks very less, but when he does there is so much Wisdom there, I love it when she lectures and he speaks, I Know he cares and she loves .This was my daily routine for years! My wakeup Call!

6 AM in the morning, My cell goes on Vibration mode and I wake up to “see” my cell, “Hear” the Alarm make funny noise, and Myself scream, I will be late to work ,Wake up!! Under the shower, into my formals, I take my seat in the car, on the road to join the mad crowd! No cribbing over breakfast, no complaining about food, no lectures from mom, no stares from dad, just honks and stares from the angry drivers on the road! Years later this is my wake up Call.

As I drive to work, I wonder, Will Dad take Mom for dinner today, Will Mom Buy something for herself, now that we all are grown up and they need not save for the “Ifs” and “just in cases” of life. How they simply existed so that we may live. The only thing Common between our Parents and Us is that, they lived for “Us” and we are also living only for “ourselves”! When did we grow up so much, and when did they grow so old for us? How is it that, they could understand the noises that we made as kids, and we fail to understand their words spoken with so much clarity?

When I look at them today, I notice her wrinkles and his balding head and wonder, How pretty she is, but I never saw those wrinkles before, how occupied was I to over look these traits, I didn’t realize they are happily growing old, that they are tired of running around, but still trying to catch up with us even today. Come to think of it, how can they? We are all on the fast track of life, we are moving with such urgency and speed that, they cannot reach up to us, and this has developed the so called “gap”, obviously it will! Though we are in a hurry to reach to the top, the pinnacle of life, we will have to slow down, so that the “happy old couple” at home may join us too, Remember, “on the top” it’s going to be Cold and Lonely, and having them there, will make it a lot brighter and a happier place to be! You will have people to celebrate your victory too, who can be better than the ones who gave you- your first “Wake up Call”! So, Wake up, to “Call” the “Happy old Couple” today! Simply Re-Connect!