Thursday, October 29, 2009

Express Mode!

The sun pops above the horizon spreads its rays far and wide, licks off the shadow from every street every home, breathing a new freshness to the day. And then it happens. An emotion inside me dances out in the open, inspiring me to write and voice out my thoughts.

Joy, freedom, contentment, exploration, openness, self-expression, excitement, completion, thankfulness, and giving are a few of the words that describe my feelings and purpose of writing. Writing goes beyond a blank piece of paper and pen. Happiness starts when the idea and desire to write something new becomes an urge that pushes the creativity. Then the pen dances on the paper

There are millions of things inside us waiting to be expressed, to be given a shape of an art, a painting, a poem or a dance form. But there is always something in or around us that stops the flow. And this flow has to be regulated...

It can be an inspiration from things around you or a motivation from a friend that would push you to “express”! So often we hold back our emotions and feelings that we kill it within ourselves even before it could breathe a new life.

Every one of us has in him/her a continent of undiscovered character. Blessed is he who acts the Columbus to his own soul. Most of the time we over look our own feelings and desires and end up saying or doing things that we did not intend to. Life has reduced to things like unspoken words, unexpressed feelings and unheard thoughts, and this is kind of frustrating to all of us. Because I believe we all want to be heard.

“They say people in your life are seasons and everything that happens is for a reason”, so if there are so many seasons and reasons in life, it would be nothing but unfair from our part to not let our thoughts and feelings to be heard.

If it wasn’t for my friends who expressed their feelings to see me put up my blog today, I would not have had the courage to do it myself. So, expressing you views to others will actually open up doors of opportunity to people around you and create wonders in their life. Like, it did for me.

So, let go of all your feelings and thoughts and allow them to paint on the canvas of your life. Go out there and brighten somebody’s day, extend a helping hand or give a strong shoulder to cry on or just a simple smile would do... but make sure you express! Because what was given to you was not given to you alone... it was given to share... to pass it on...


  1. Awesomeness! So the blog is finally up, and therefore you deserve the reward from me that you have so eagerly been waitin to lay your hands on ;) keep expressing coz u got so much in you, it's a privilege and pleasure for us to be listenin! love ya!! :D

  2. @ trishma - god!!! yeah i finally won my prize!!! ;) and thnx alot for those motivation!! :)

  3. FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY somebody is all set & determined to rule this new world.. :P n as I have already told you " sakeena's blog post ?? as usual " very expressive ".. :) keep it comin girlie. N yes pls do pass on this talent to ppl like us.. ;);):D yes yes..PASS IT ON ! :P

  4. @ megz - thankz :) u guys have been my inspiration to write! :) and yeah... together we can pass it on to each other ;)

  5. The pen dances on the paper. Lovely lines! You really write on paper and then type it or it was just a figure of speech?

    Oki, you know what... I love the larger than life writing. LOVE IT! But you did procrastinate A LOT before putting this 1 up. I waited till 1 you dumbo :-@. Was worth the wait. Am so happy to see this up, finally.

    Continue writing and don't take long breaks because we are all learners and we can all help each other. Kudos girl.
    Congrats :-)

  6. hey nice job gl!! do continue it!!! god bless ya!!!

  7. @ adi - dude!!!! this blog and this post is all in your name!!!! if it wasnt for you, i wouldnt have done it!!! :)

    thank you so much!!! :)

  8. Fantastic! Good Job..Mabrook!! Waiting to hear more from ya

  9. Nice Blog Sakina,really wonderful,waiting eagerly to see some more articles...

  10. Hey bugger!!!!!
    so this might be too little too late... but u no it was difficult for me to get my ass up here to type this :) :)

    excuses asides... a great start to a great venture.. for all my ribbing and stupidity about your blogging ability i apologize :)

    Gr8 idea and superb flow.. always some room 4 improvement but then.. keep coming up with more... after all expressing is important :-)


  11. Hey Sakeena,

    Inspiration is indeed the key to every writer's mind. I really like the way you have expressed your thoughts. People often write what they think of but seldom speak of what led them to think that way. Great job! keep writing and I am looking forward to hear more from you.

  12. Nice Blog Skna,really wonderful,i really liked it..masha allah good one.... eagerly to see some more articles...
