Monday, November 2, 2009

"Non-Mysterious Answers"

We live in this world where everything is very “HI-FI”, where Science is the answer for every question. So why do we need religion? I mean really why? Science is giving the answers to all the doubtful areas of life, that once where the domain of religion and belief. Does this not prove that religion is merely an empire of ignorance and fools who wish to believe in stories purely based on what they refer to as "Faith"? However their bewilderment towards why educated people still believe in religion has rather non-mysterious answers.

One of the main answers being, what essentially is called as the sense of security, and a sense of certainty in this uncertain world. No matter how intelligent, how intellectual or how developed our thinking is, our mind is still rooted to the very essence of religion. When we have an absolute faith in something, no matter for what practical reason, we always believe its, True. And it is this faith that keeps the light of religion alive within us.

The difficulty in dislodging a person's "faith" has to do with how often a person's religion is tied deeply into their culture, family, and place. Religion is an important means through which many people form an identity within their society. Your faith in, you and your religion give you this inner peace and satisfaction, which you will get from nowhere.

What we call the ‘religious attitude’ is the natural outcome of human’s intellectual and biological constitution. Humans are unable to explain to themselves the mystery of life, the mystery of birth and death, the mystery of infinity and eternity. Their reasoning stops before impregnable walls. When we come to the end of all our doubts and we are still left with no answer that’s when our belief in religion becomes deeper.
The human being, with all the intricate mechanism of his soul, with all his desires and fears, his feelings and his speculative uncertainties, sees himself faced by a nature in which bounty and cruelty, danger and security are mixed in a wondrous, inexplicable way and apparently work on lines entirely different from the methods and the structure of the human mind.
Never has purely intellectual philosophy or experimental science been able to solve this conflict. This exactly is the point where religion steps in. Finally there is the simple fact that none of us knows with 100% certainty what will happen to our consciousness after we die. Religion offers hope that this life is but one stage of existence.

If all these sounds like a bunch of romantic nonsense and self-delusion, then indeed perhaps it is. But for those of us who believe in a religion like me, they provide us with a feeling of contentment and hope that nothing else in this world provides. For that reason, I don't see religion disappearing anytime soon.


  1. Totally agree! That too at this era where all the religions have millions of sects amongst themselves its getting more complicated.

  2. yeah rghtly said suhail. i wonder what will it actually take for people to realise, what religion and faith mean. Instead of dividing it, just follow one thats within you... :)

  3. this was so deep, i had to read it twice to get it :) more than the search for answers, sometimes the social get-up that religion leads you to is binding. It's hard to shake away the way you have been brought up, and the rituals you are accustomed to, whether they make sense or not in a scientific world.

  4. the simple truth is that science only explains what already exists. it only invents and discovers matters present. it does not create something out of nothing. Its God who creates everything out of nothing. Science is still running to catch up with an ever expanding universe. If it was the creator then, it should have been able to give life and stop death. If there was no religion or scriptures, we would ahve no guidance to the wrong and rights of this world. Science does not encourage aethism on the contrary with every step it takes and with every new discovery, it only confirms to the existence of a power that is incomprehensible to the human mind who inturn either rejects or embraces the unknown with faith and belief.

  5. hey gr8 work girl... gr8 topic and a nice way to put it.. belief in anything even if it is violence gives strength to a person... and religion is a always the best answer

    Cheers :-)

  6. Woah!!! I had to read this SLOWLY.
    IT was a good view point. For a long time i intended to write an article on the similar lines as to why religion is a measure of last hope when we are under speculative uncertainities and in times of desperation as stated by you.

    However i feel the question of FAITH need not be directed towards religion. i wish to make a clear distinction between god and religion. When God is universal, religion is divided among different civilisations. FAITH and BELIEF can arise from knowing that GOD exists, not religion.

    And, the question of the existence of GOD can hardly be disputed with the primordial soup and various other things. As a matter of fact, i saw a video of a famous man proving SCIENTIFICALLY (would you believe the odds?) that GOD exists.

    In conclusion; Religion is a MYTH, albeit a neccessary one for human beings to have an objective point of reference.

    AWESOME JOB! Couldn't have read a better post. Where have you been? Keep writing!!!!!

    This might interest you : Check my blog for the post titled 'When i do bad, i feel bad. When i do good, i fell good'. Unable to post the link here.

  7. Wow, Nazeera Aunty... what a wonderful comment you have posted, and so well written too! I'm in awe of the way you have put across such depth so succintly.
    And Adi, food for thought there... is the famous man you are talking about Ravi Zacharias? :)

  8. @ Nazeera Aunty : wow! i could'nt have put it in a better way. i totally agree with the last point. Its such a deep topic and there are so many dimensions to it, its difficult to come up to one conclusion. :)

  9. @ adi : i agree to your statement, that faith need not be directed towards religion, i failed to make a clear distinction between the two.

    and yes if there are more than one religion, it has to be a myth! if it wasnt then , we would have only one religion!

    and faith and belief in God is what is important, and thats what will give us, "the inner peace"

  10. Sakeena, the poin i am trying to make by saying that religion is a myth means, religion is man made. Tailored and crafted by man! Therefore there is no/should not be RELIGION.

    The distinction between God and religion is that God exists but religion gives names to GOD. Jesus(God)for Christianity (Religion) Krishna (God) for hinduism (Religion) and so on and so forth.. Clear? Agree?
    Read the article in my blog for a clearer understanding of what i want to put forth.

    @ Trishma : I am not talking about Ravi. Ravi propogates religion and i don't.

  11. religion is invented to regulate society.

  12. Interesting article there. Just out of curiosity, what does everyone thinks about atheists?

  13. Guess I am very late to this discussion. Anyways... Hey Lyfe! I think atheists sucks... Guys like you act like bacteria in a human body.

    And what the hell man. I'm sure all of you are about 20 or even older. I feel sympathy for you guys that you still discuss these matters as grade 5 kids. Didn't you ever read articles "science vs religion" and stuff. You self-proclaimed men and women of faith! Is this the faith you are proud of! You call faith a biological reaction in head, a sense of pride, sense of security, man-made rule to regulate society. What the Hell!

    And Saki! Why are you holding back... Tell them that god exists for sure. Or is it that you too are in dilemma. You have doubts... Continue this discussion and let's see how this concludes.


  14. I have grown so much since the days. An interesting point; HOw beautiful it would be if the principle of religion would be charity instead of faith?

  15. adi, i think "Faith" still weighs heavier than "charity" ! only a Man of Faith will have the heart for "Charity"! What do u think?
