Monday, February 8, 2010

Technology and You.

Through the years, we've watched it grow like a child budding into adulthood: It starts out mostly crying and pooping, then crawling, gradually learning to walk, and finally able to run at a speed we all wish we could keep up with. We've seen it fail, and we've seen it succeed. We've poked fun at it when it doesn't make sense, and we've praised it when it's absolutely brilliant. We've yelled at it when it runs out of power, and we've fixed or replaced it when it gets run down. And most importantly we started to treat it as a family member— what is it? Yes!! TECHNOLOGY!

With all love, respect and honour... Lets welcome “technology” into our lives!

Aeroplanes, satellites, rockets, cars, computers, microwaves, refrigerators’, washing machine, toilet flush!! Everything has improved wonderfully due to technology and I would love to see what it will be like in the next hundred year’s time.

Over the last one hundred years we have seen extraordinary changes in technology. We have gone from foul smelling gas producing transportation on four legs to foul smelling gas consuming transportation on four wheels. We used to watch the birds and wish we were them and now we are visiting planets that have never seen a terrestrial animal. We used to dream of going around the world in eighty days and now we communicate across the globe in milliseconds and it’s all because of our dear friend... Technology!

This dear friend has changed our lives in ways that are too numerous to count. Our work is easier and we are lazier. We have more leisure time than ever before but we are too busy for to even read a book. We enjoy food and drink that our ancestors could never conceive and we have adopted ideas and values that our ancestors would have never dreamt off. Before we used to mourn over people dying due to sickness but now we “sick” people are plotting plans to kill each other. Before we used to think too much and now we feel too little!

Do you have any idea, what might have gone wrong? Well... never mind! Who has the time to think about it anyway! We have this little guest at home to serve!

Here I remember, what Karl Marx quoted, Production of too many useful things will result in too many useless people!

We invited technology to our world, so that at the press of a button we can get anything that we want. And Bingo! We got it... on pressing a button... we have our house lit with light, we get our clothes washed, we have our food cooked and we get a nation bombed! All thanks to our guest the technology!

There used to be a time when no one knew anything about technology, now there is a time where everyone is after technology and there will be a time in future where... there will be nothing but technology!!

Friends look at it... its smiling now! You know why is it smiling? Because we welcomed it to our house as a guest, and now it has become the host and we have become the guest! We no more control the machine, the machine controls us now.

If the alarm doesn’t ring we do not wake up on time, if the car stops working we can travel nowhere, if there is no network on your cell, you can communicate with no one, if there is no electricity supply the whole world becomes a dark place... it’s funny.. Men have become the tools of their tools!

Technology helps to control everything, except technology! So, you choose, you want to control or you want to be controlled!


  1. Hey Saki... I'm a big fan. So I wanted to tell something. The idea that you wanted to share is truly great. But I can't seem to find the heart and passion in describing it. It seems you wanted to convey the idea so bad that you started to write, but then lost the interest somewhere in between, then just completed what you had started. If you were to compare this one with your first writing, you may find that there is so much difference in quality of writing. The expressions you used to express and all were just so great in your first work. It even feels like the first work was done by someone else.

    One hint : Whenever you write something, fuse your mind and soul with the topic. Think as if you are talking about yourself and not commenting or describing someone else. You should feel the need for people to know your topic as if they are getting to know you.

    Adios Amigo!!!!

  2. That picture you uploaded is very nice.... and ya see this link...

    This person had to explain it in a very different manner in order to attract... I've been your fan since grade 2... You have the talent.. You can do much better.


  3. @ LYFE88 : thank you so much making those observations. and yeah... its true i wrote this article in a hurry... and i had so many thoughts in my head regarding this, that the final out come wasnt so satisfying. either way... you comments and suggestions are as much appreciated as your compliments! thank you.

    PS : and on a personal note, i would really want to know your name. if you happened to know me since grade 2, then i am more than curious and know u as well. please drop in a mail or give me a hint atleast :)
